In Conversation With… Cissi Williams
January 5th, 2018
Cissi is an Energy Medicine Practitioner, Soul Coach, Cranial Osteopath, Naturopath and a Trainer of NLP. She runs courses and seminars, and offers individual healing treatments and coaching sessions. She is the author of Transformational NLP – The Spiritual Approach to Harnessing the Power of Neuro-linguistic Programming (Watkins Publishers), Spiritual Medicine – 7 Spiritual Potions to Heal Your Life (O-Books) and Supercharge Your Dreams Into Being – By Trusting Your Soul’s Wisdom (O-Books). She runs courses and seminars sharing how we can connect more fully with our Soul and in that way heal our lives.
Cissi co-founded with her husband Alan the Swedish magazine Inspire: A Body, Mind and Spirit Guide to Well-Being, and the UK spiritual health magazine Inspired Wellbeing.
How would you describe yourself and what you do?
I do many things but they are all based on one thing, which is that I have an absolute passion to share with others how they can connect with their own inner wisdom, be it though their bodies, their minds, their soul or their spirit, and that’s drawn me to practice osteopathy, naturopathy, energy medicine, and become an NLP trainer – anything that is geared towards giving people the insight that they have the power to heal themselves.
I love teaching. Back in 1992 I became a student of A Course in Miracles, so all my teachings have that as a foundation. It’s all about which choice you are going to make: are you going to choose love or fear? Are you going to get stuck in illusion or are you going to connect with Truth?
Tell us a little about your journey to becoming the person you are today…
It started a long time ago when I was a child. I grew up with an alcoholic father who was brain-damaged before I was born, but nonetheless I was always happy. Then in my early twenties I set off travelling and met someone who I fell in love with. When the relationship ended I went from someone who was happy to being a complete mess. All of this ‘stuff’ came up and I went into a very deep depression. I also at that time had an eating disorder – I was bulimic. I had been travelling around Asia for five years and suddenly found myself living in London in a tiny little room in a flat in Belsize Park. The only other person I knew in London was my ex.
During this time I had a dream where I saw myself hanging dead from the ceiling and when I woke up I just knew I had to change – and I prayed. I didn’t really believe as such in those days but I didn’t know what else to do. And then I just got this feeling that I should go back home to Sweden – I was in Stockholm the next day. Whilst walking through the city I passed an esoteric bookshop that I had never seen before. I went inside. It had really comfy armchairs so I sat down and read three books that called to me – Love is The Answer by Gerald Jampolsky, The Power is Within You by Louise Hay and Creative Visualisations by Shakti Gawain. This was back in 1992 – a long, long time ago, and they are all still classics.
As I opened them and started reading I could feel the darkness lift – I could feel my depression ease. If you’ve ever been in such a dark place it feels like a miracle. I went back to London, visited Compendium bookshop and Mysteries and spent a fortune on books! I kept on reading and reading, did all the exercises in them and within six weeks my depression was gone. Within four months my bulimia was gone. From then on I’ve had that passion – because I know we all can heal! I also connected with a voice I later recognised as my Soul, and she was guiding me to osteopathy, so I started studying it the following autumn.
Once I started working as an osteopath, I noticed that all my patients would tell me their emotional problems and cry, so I studied NLP in order that I would be better equipped to deal with them. One thing has led to another and that is why I do what I do today.
What inspires you?
Anything that gives you that sense of a wondrous, magical connection with something higher than yourself! And when I witness a transformation take place. For example, when I am with someone in a coaching session or when I’m teaching and you see them connecting with that light within them – when you see the fog disappearing and the light is switched on and they can hold to the truth of who they are. Or just seeing the presence of love – seeing a little child smiling when they are having fun – when you see that sheer joy of being alive. That inspires me!
What are your favourite holistic treatments/practices?
I do loads, actually! I meditate every day, I pray and I do yoga and exercise. I’m very happily married to an osteopath, who is also a Pilates and yoga teacher, so I get a lot of that. I really love energy medicine, and my body LOVES herbal medicine, so I use herbs a lot. I also love acupuncture and ayurvedic medicine – anything to do with the mind and soul.
How do you relax?
I relax through meditation. I’m very lively and passionate about things so I need to meditate! I’ve done lots of different styles such as Vippassana and mindfulness meditation in order to find the one that is right for me, which is more of a mystical meditation in which you actually have communication with Spirit. Sometimes I just relax if that’s what they (Spirit) feel I need – sometimes they take me on a journey where they literally show me what I need to heal and shift or change. It’s always varied – the only thing that doesn’t vary is that I show up every day to my meeting with my Spirit Team.
What’s next for you?
We set up a spiritual health magazine, which is like a sister magazine to Inspired Wellbeing, in Sweden in 2009. We’ve just sold the Swedish magazine, so that’s freeing up time for me. So in 2018 we will be launching the Soul Tribe Community online (, where people can listen to live and recorded interviews as well as talks and guided meditations with the spiritual teachers and wellbeing experts we have in Inspired Wellbeing, and read articles and digital versions of the magazine. We’re basically moving to a live format online. I’m also going to be teaching a lot more, doing more online energy medicine training as well as running courses in energy medicine, mysticism and shamanic healing in Oxfordshire.