In Conversation With… Chrissie Astell
November 13th, 2017
How would you describe yourself and what you do?
I’m a spiritual facilitator, educator, author and healer, and my passion is to enable and empower people to deepen and develop their spiritual nature, especially by understanding and connecting to Divine Light energies of the angelic realms.
Tell us a little about your journey to becoming the person you are today…
Oh my goodness, where to start! My parents were both mystical, and had a great deal of esoteric knowledge, though they went their separate ways when I was tiny, and I was brought up by my grandparents. Both remarried, my father became a wonderful healer, and my mother ended up building a commune in California, practiced colour therapy and numerology and wrote books channeling Ascended Masters. It is probably not surprising that I would follow this type of calling – you might say it was in the genes!
In my early forties I divorced, had a complete life change, and returned to nursing, training in and taking up angelic healing. I then started running angel workshops. I had several mystical experiences, including a life-affirming visitation from an angel which confirmed my purpose. I felt I needed more experience and knowledge, which led me to university so that I could develop my understanding about the different world faiths and all the different world views of angels. The journey has brought many synchronicities, and I’ve met so many amazing people along the way. Twenty years on I am still loving my work.
What inspires you?
Nature, particularly the changing skies, soft music, travelling, good books and wise teachers
What are your favourite holistic treatments/practices?
I love meditation, especially with the Essene communions, walking meditations with my dog in nature, talking to trees, communing with angels, a good wholesome laugh and a back massage!
How do you relax?
Relaxing can be tricky and I do need to give myself permission to switch off sometimes. I am away rather a lot, particularly at weekends, so I love to sit and watch a good film with my husband, or have a box-set binge to catch up with some TV viewing when I’ve been away from home. If I am on one of my retreats, when the morning work is over I’ll hide away under a parasol in the sun and enjoy escaping into a good book. I’ve also been gifted with six loveable grandchildren who really make me laugh, so I enjoy playing and being silly with them – that is really good relaxing medicine for me.
What’s next for you?
Promoting my latest book will be high on the priority list for the autumn and early in the New Year, as well as running and mentoring my home study courses in personal and spiritual development and re-launching a Diploma programme in spiritual facilitation for those who wish to run their own workshops. I’ve also recently returned from taking my second group on a spiritual pilgrimage to the Holy Land. I loved it so much I’ve decided that taking groups to sacred sites, as well as my regular residential Angels Abroad healing retreats, is definitely going to be on my annual agenda. Maybe my visits to Jordan and Israel will stimulate another book, this time perhaps about the life and times of the Essenes – we’ll see!