Book Review: Release Your WOW! – Rennie Gould

January 1st, 2018

I really enjoyed reading the book. I think that it has the capacity to span the ages, initially appealing to those who have begun to question their life, or who are seeking answers. I liked the structure of it: I felt it was clearly laid out and it was relatively easy to pick up and read. Even having to put the book down for a bit as life intervened, it allowed time to process the ideas and practise. I did the exercise on the subconscious and have found some surprising answers! 4630386580_449x337

As a dyslexic I have trouble converting concept to long-term memory, so need to revisit. The print style, use of bold-type italics and personal examples made the text easy for me to read. The interspersing of exercises provided a change of pace and an opportunity for me to apply the teachings in the book to my own situation.

I felt the chapter on awareness particularity useful. The suggestions here prompted me to think about how I can build awareness into the more everyday things in life. I do remember after a family bereavement I felt that life was very sharp for a while.

Rennie did not promise a magic wand, just the tools to unpick the often harmful script about oneself that we carry with us, in what felt like a very realistic and achievable way. I really enjoyed the section about neutralising negative thoughts and feelings, and how to start to change habits. I also learnt a bit about mindfulness and I thought the description he gave of this was really useful.

The tone of the book I felt was almost as having a conversation, inviting my curiosity to read on. There is a good reference list as well – most I’ve not read yet but will probably attempt to do so off the back of this.

I would recommend this book to others and reread this for myself. Whilst reading I also wondered whether Rennie’s strategies could be of use more widely for those with dyslexia, as well as high-functioning Autism.

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Find out how to release your wow by picking up a copy of the book for yourself here.

With thanks to Anita Baird for the review.