Book Review: Soul Story – Tim Freke

June 18th, 2017

The author lays out, from the start, what the book intends to do. Freke sees the conflict between science – notably its cold, mathematical, indisputable factual approach to existence – and the soul (as opposed to established religion).

The book tries to show how we can use both to adopt a spiritual approach and enrich ourselves, and it illustrates and explains this very well, so that the reader feels empowered and more knowledgeable. It also gives the reader an insight to use in everyday life and dealings with the world. It does this by adopting a “stream of consciousness” approach to the text. As our thoughts do not adhere to grammatical and literary guidelines, neither does the book. The lack of this helps to give it a more conversational style that works well. It’s Freke’s plan to do this so that you engage and really think. It also moves the book out of the world of stuffy academic text.

The book is relatable as you feel as you read that it’s just like you have met the author in a social setting and he is “batting ideas” around. This illustrates the move from an academic lecture where you are talked at rather than talked to. I’ve not read a book like this before which has no certainties or answers without becoming an exercise in long words. Freke’s tone is conversational and he checks knowledge along the way by clarifying what he says. There is opinion here, but Freke is completely honest about that.

It is hard to pick a stand-out section as my favourite, as the whole of the book resonated with me. I agree completely with the premise that anyone who wants to look into spirituality yet needs a bit of hand-holding through their literary will enjoy this book.

I would thoroughly recommend this book and it will be taking its own place on my ever-expanding bookcase.

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Soul Story by Tim Freke is available now! Get your copy here.

With thanks to Keeley Newman-Goodall for the review.